👋 I'm Devansh Raj, a Mobile App developer, Machine Learning enthusiast and coder. My skills are broadly ranging from front-end to back-end development. I enjoy building user friendly mobile applications and Machine learning models for real world problems. I also like competitive coding and am proficient in Python.
Identifying key customer insights based on costumer data and creating customer churn prediction model.
Forming different Key Performance indicator-> Cleaning + validating + transforming important data -> using data in the Machine Learning model for prediction of Churn customers.
Machine learning model accuracy 84.5%, Microsoft Azure as a plate form used for data handling processes, data transformation etc.
Created a Machine learning model to enhance the video quality using SRGANs combined with perceptual loss function.
Compared results between the ML model and spatial filtering methods.
Contributed in developing an E-commerce mobile application using Flutter framework.
Used Figma for designing the front-end of the application.
Authenticated the application with Firebase for systematic storage of database.